Why Healthcare Can’t Escape Affordability

In this podcast, Shoval speaks with Market Corner Conversations host Kai Ryssdal about his inspiration for Simplee and why healthcare can’t escape the patient affordability issue. Here’s a quick synopsis of that inspiration plus the mission that propels Simplee innovation daily:

In 2010, e-commerce expert and entrepreneur Tomer Shoval was on vacation with his wife and children when everyone became sick. After receiving medical assistance while out of network, Shoval and his wife returned home to a bevy of medical bills a month later.

The Shoval’s experienced something all too common for many Americans – the insanely difficult task of reading and understanding their medical charges. They didn’t understand the items on their bills or the explanation of benefits, and they couldn’t remember whether or not they had already paid for certain services.

At that point, Shoval realized the healthcare payment system was broken and set out to fix it by developing a healthcare payment app called Simplee.

Shoval explains in the podcast that he created Simplee to bring greater clarity to the healthcare payment system. He points out that many consumers experience difficulty with navigating the healthcare system, and that Simplee addresses healthcare affordability by supplying patients with personalized paths to payment. Simplee helps eliminate stress for patients so they can focus more on their own well-being instead of spending time trying to decipher their bills.

Host Ryssdal points out that people tend to be more concerned about paying for healthcare than they are about contracting a disease and asks why healthcare has become so insensitive to the payment system. Shoval explains that a healthcare provider’s job is to save people’s lives, and that for many providers, billing and administrative work are secondary to saving lives.

Shoval explains how a focus on improving the service between provider and patient can boost revenue for providers while offering the ideal consumer experience.

Listen to learn more about how foster loyalty and increase revenue by fostering loyalty by addressing the patient financial experience. Plus, get the scoop on how the Simplee platform is engaging patients with a focus on affordability throughout the revenue cycle from pre to post service.

Listen here:
