Flywire is excited to present a series of insightful webinars that highlight a range of innovation and change management topics impacting higher education institutions in North America. Showcasing real-world best practices and tips from industry experts, this series was designed to help you discover ways you can proactively drive success to increase efficiency while improving student experience. Topics include:
Ways to Navigate Legislative Impact on Collections
Ways to Navigate Legislative Impact on Collections
An informative review of recent legislation and observations by a NACUBO representative that highlights what you need to know followed by a panel discussion on ways leading institutions like Texas A&M University, University of Northern Colorado and University of Pittsburgh are embracing change to get ahead of the collections game by taking proactive steps to collect on past-due accounts and reduce agency collections.

Tips & Tools for Enhancing IT & Finance Collaboration
Review of our recent IT research followed by a fireside chat with finance and IT leaders from Tennessee State University that will explore how automation and change tactics are helping to drive smoother collaboration and system integration.

Using Actionable Data to Address Education Affordability
An insightful panel with James Madison University, Reed College and University of Virginia to learn how these leading higher ed institutions are using innovative technology and actionable data to address affordability and keep more students enrolled.

Streamline Your Collections Process to Better Serve Students
In this informative panel discussion, NYSOBBA and Flywire speak with Columbia University and SUNY Oswego regarding ways your institution can take steps to automate and streamline collections to improve cash flow while optimizing the student experience.
The Paradox of Payment Choice
After a review of third-party research from students around the world, 3/4 of students said having fewer payment providers for education expenses would make the payment process easier. In this insightful panel, Flywire explores the paradox of choice with leading higher education leaders from North Carolina State University, University of Chicago and University of Michigan.