Solutions built for education, by global education experts

Whether you need global payment capabilities or an all-in-one software solution to manage the entire student financial journey, Flywire is the only partner that has you covered.

From international and domestic payments to all-in-one Student Financial Software and agent offerings, Flywire offers a variety of solutions to help you drive enrollment, increase cash flow and improve efficiency while optimizing the student experience.

Flywire education main page staggered

The global education ecosystem relies on Flywire. We connect:

  • Millions of international & domestic student.
  • 我尝试支付学费时,常常会惊慌失措,但你们的系统真是太好用了。我实际上很享受整个付款过程。

    学生 Rutgers University
    Rutgers University
  • Flywire to us is a very trusted partner … For the students, it offers a safe way of doing online transactions. The students get great support from Flywire … For us, it really enables us to collect students from all over the world in a safe and timely manner.

    Hult International Business School
    Hult International Business School
  • 我们发现飞汇是学生最安全、最便捷的付款方式。Agent Platform 帮助我们快速、安全地提供学费支付服务,确保机构收到全额学费。我们非常有信心向我们的渠道推广飞汇,因为我们信任这家公司,并能够为客户带来卓越服务。

    Annalink OHSC-学生
    Annalink OHSC-学生
  • 感谢你们一直努力满足我们大学的软件需求。你们的大力支持和双方融洽的关系对我们弥足珍贵。在当今时代,能获得像 Flywire这种公司的持续支持,是一件值得欣喜的事情。

    Texas A&M University
    Texas A&M University
  • The Flywire and Ellucian teams have [worked] closely together to deliver an improved integration and an innovative customer experience. Flywire’s powerful global payments network and payments software, integrated with Ellucian’s suite of products, [delivers] significant improvements for institutions around the world.



    贵校的需求 - 学生的体验 - 飞汇解决方案

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