Two Spain-based employees became CEO for the day. Find out what they learned.

Have you ever wondered what’s it like to be Flywire’s CEO Mike Massaro for the day? On his recent visit to our Valencia, Spain office two of our FlyMates were able to spend a whole day working alongside Mike!

Luis Belloch, Senior Engineering Manager and Inés León, People Operations Specialist got to live a day in the life of our CEO. They were able to join all of his meetings, grab a coffee, and even watch him present live at our All Company meeting.

We caught up with Luis and Inés to find out what this unique experience was like for them.

What made you want to enter for the “CEO for the day” experience?

“I've always been fascinated by the inner workings of Flywire’s leadership. After observing our CEO Mike Massaro in numerous company-wide presentations and meetings, I was eager to understand what happens beyond the engineering team, especially given our company's rapid growth over the past few years. Although I never expected to be selected, my curiosity about our executive operations drove me to enter.” -Luis Belloch, Senior Engineering Manager at Flywire

“Being around leaders from top companies is inspiring. Sharing work time with the CEO of Flywire, a company that aligns with my views on HR management, is a unique opportunity.” -Inés León, People Operations Specialist

What was the most surprising part of your day with the CEO?

“The day was packed with details and insights. I realized that being a CEO isn't for everyone; it requires a high level of preparedness and people skills you can only get with years of experience. What stood out most was Mike's unwavering focus and attention during meetings. He seamlessly transitioned between diverse topics, maintaining a calm yet productive attitude throughout a very busy day.” -Luis Belloch, Senior Engineering Manager at Flywire

“Mike openly shared his main concerns and the issues he found most intriguing, as well as areas he believed needed improvement. The CEO was not promoting the company's strengths but rather discussing its concerns and identifying shortcomings to drive improvement. He was providing an honest account of a typical workday. During the roundtable meetings he showed willingness to share knowledge and thoughts in an open and approachable manner. His responses were grounded in logic, knowledge, and good intentions.” -Inés León, People Operations Specialist

What was your favorite part of the day?

“We had a coffee with Mike in one of our breaks and he dedicated time to reply to all questions we threw at him. No matter if questions were simple or complex, Mike took time to listen carefully, understood our point of view and provided his own view on the matter — from investor relations, to technology, to office expenses, he always offered a very intuitive point on every subject we discussed.” -Luis Belloch, Senior Engineering Manager at Flywire

“My favorite part of the day was the moments we had together to share our perspectives. These moments allowed us to connect on a deeper level, exchange ideas openly, and understand Mike’s viewpoints.” -Inés León, People Operations Specialist

Can you share something new that you learned from this experience?

“I gained a deeper understanding of the personal challenges that someone like Mike faces daily, particularly about time management and long-term strategy. One key takeaway for me was his unwavering attention to the person he was speaking with. During meetings, he never glanced at his phone or laptop, remaining fully present and connected with his audience and their concerns.” -Luis Belloch, Senior Engineering Manager at Flywire

“From this experience, I gained a global perspective on how Flywire operates. I also increased my knowledge of other departments which I previously had little interaction with. Additionally, I became aware of various possibilities for improvement within the organization.” -Inés León, People Operations Specialist

Do you think we should do the CEO experience again for other FlyMates and why?

“Absolutely. This opportunity shouldn't be limited to the CEO; it should extend to other leaders within the company. It offers invaluable insights and a deeper understanding of our organization's dynamics and challenges.” -Luis Belloch, Senior Engineering Manager at Flywire

“Yes, I definitely think we should offer the CEO experience to other FlyMates. It provides an invaluable opportunity to learn about the company and gain a perspective that is impossible to achieve from a single department. This experience offers a more global, interdepartmental view and allows participants to understand the daily challenges faced by a CEO. Also, it allows you to analyze how you are doing things in your job position and be able to align more closely with the CEO's current direction. Being alongside someone who confronts these challenges firsthand offers a unique insight into the role and the qualities needed to be a CEO.” -Inés León, People Operations Specialist

Anything else you would like to share?

“Thanks a lot for the time you spent with us, Mike! It was an incredibly positive experience for all of us.” -Luis Belloch, Senior Engineering Manager at Flywire

“I’m grateful for the effort Mike put into spending time with FlyMates ensuring meaningful interactions and learning opportunities.” -Inés León, People Operations Specialist

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