The future of luxury hospitality payments

How an evolving industry is changing the way luxury hospitality providers collect money

Luxury travelers expect every part of their vacation experience to measure up to the caliber of the destinations they’re visiting – and that includes the experience they have paying for all of it. The quality of the payments experience has become increasingly intertwined with the quality of the travel experience.

Because of this, removing hurdles to accepting payments from travel agents and your clients is becoming a table-stakes capability in the luxury hospitality industry.

In this report, you’ll learn:

  • the challenges luxury hospitality providers face when it comes to accepting payments, including costs, ensuring security and privacy, offering options in local currencies and payment methods, and more.
  • ways to minimize fees for your travel business and your clients, particularly when it comes to credit card payments.
  • real-life examples of how luxury hospitality providers are solving payments challenges, and the benefits of focusing on an exceptional payment experience.

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