IT's Role in Shaping the Student Experience

Higher Education Research Report

Inside the corridors of higher education institutions, there are constantly decisions being made that impact the overall student experience. There are obvious direct impacts on students' attitudes towards their education - from academic coursework, to housing, and more. But one lesser known yet powerful force that is increasingly playing a role in sustaining a positive student experience is the IT leader.

For its new report, Flywire commissioned a survey of more than 200 IT leaders at higher education institutions in the U.S., U.K. and Canada. According to the results, IT leaders view their role as critical to the student experience. A sneak peek of results reveals:

  • 98% of IT leaders surveyed said most of the projects their team undertakes directly impacts student success
  • 97% say IT plays a critical role in creating a positive student experience
  • 88% say they have taken on different tasks and/or roles not traditionally part of IT

In its report, Flywire dives deeply into the role of IT in higher education, from their focus on students, to the technologies they use. Ultimately, the report will uncover the broad influence that IT has on higher education institutions.

Read the report

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